Pvc pvc foam board material laser cut pvc pvc foam board although these materials can be laser cut with our lasers we avoid it as this process produces chlorine gases which is not good for the machinery or people so we stay away from pvc.
Laser cutting pvc board.
Although polyvinyl chloride pvc can in fact be cut with laser the thermal process produces hydrochloric acid and toxic fumes.
For this reason we advise you not to use laser for cutting pvc in order to prevent corrosion of your laser system and to ensure the safety of the machine operator.
Usually foam boards are cut only on routers vinyl and die cutter since they are made.
Pvc foam board adalah.
Pvc foam board adalah material berbentuk lembaran padat dengan ciri fisik utama kedua permukaannya yang keras namun halus dan licin berwarna putih susu.
Pusat laser cutting cnc cutting.
This week we re launching our new laserable foam board called smart x.